
The racial dot map

Many of us in progressive circles pride ourselves on being a diverse, tolerant, and accepting group. And we are. It’s not hard to see how that plays out in politics, with the GOP constantly struggling for relevancy among minorities, not usually an issue for Democrats. Thanks to Dustin Cable at the University of Virginia’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, now we can see how our cosmopolitan attitude affects us–or not–geographically. The results are stunning.

A new and interesting map based on 2010 census data shows every single person in America as a colored dot. Blue dots represent caucasians, green represents blacks, red represents Asians, orange represents Hispanics, and brown represents “other”, which can mean Native American and people of more than one race.

Looking at the map, it appears there are large metropolitan areas of diversity. Here is what the St. Louis area looks like:


It looks pretty segregated, even at a distance. Zooming in provides us with a clearer picture, often much more segregated than first glance. Here we can see how individual neighborhoods look:


Where are you on the racial dot map? Is your neighborhood diverse or largely segregated?