Political quotes: Unanswerable questions

This quotation from a bona fide scientist offers a fitting reproach to the anti-science Republicans who want us to live in their don’t-question-me world. It’s the latest in our long-running series of quotes that remind us, over and over, that everything ends up being political, whether we like it or not.

We’re always on the lookout for quotes–contemporary and historical–that are pertinent to the current political environment.

Our illustrator is Christopher Burke, whose unique, quirky cartoons add a touch of whimsy–which we really, really need as we embark on a new, frightening era in American democracy.



The author of this quote is Richard Feynman [1918 – 1988]. Feynman won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. His entertaining lectures and witty books helped popularize scientific ideas among non-scientists. .