Sex Trafficking Advocate

Ann Wagner has support of Sex Trafficking Advocate?

So, let me get this straight. Ann is including an endorsement from a woman who is a sex trafficking advocate. If my understanding of English serves me correctly, this means that Jennifer advocates sex trafficking. Does it mean that Jennifer is actually running an operation; selling young women and men into sexual servitude? Jennifer seems far too nice for that, but this is what Ann implies that she does.

On-line Survey

Looking for insights into (er, questions about) the Republican Brain

We normally associate strong Democrats (progressives) with support of the federal government. After all, the New Deal, Great Society and most of the other fabric of the social and economic safety net comes from the federal government. So, why is it that in our survey, there is greater trust in the federal government from strong Republicans than strong Democrats.

Republican Brain

We Need Help – Understanding the Republican Brain

How did it happen? Susan Collins, a seemingly sensitive person who is pro-choice on abortion rights, disses Christine Blasey-Ford’s a contention that she was sexually abused by Brett Kavanaugh. Is Collins (a) insensitive to the history of women not being believed when men say something contrary, (b) simply a poor judge of character (who could not see Kavanaugh as a bully), or (c) just a Republican who has a very different way of looking at life from the way others do?