Energy entrepreneurs go green around the globe

While America debates how to jump-start the “green revolution” touted by people like Thomas Friedman, individual entrepreneurs in other countries are making things happen. A new series in Global Post presents a highly informative and beautifully produced array of video reports on people who are putting ideas into action, and making money from their efforts.

According to Global Post:

As our journalists are uncovering across Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East, a radical transformation of the global energy system is well underwayAnd you haven’t seen the half of it.

Each week GlobalPost will be scouring the world for the best green ideas, the most promising renewable energy technologies, and the most successful entrepreneurs now taming sunlight, wind, water, biofuels and the Earth’s own heat to bring clean energy to all people, and to all corners.

This original video series combines two powerful human drivers — greed, and the desire to do good — with fresh ideas and emerging technologies that, taken together, might just save the planet from climate destruction.

The initial offerings include 4-to-6-minute video reports  on:

  • A Palestinian in Ramallah “who’s heating and cooling homes in the West
    Bank with geothermal energy”
  • A Guatemalan “who’s powering Central American jungle communities with sunlight”
  • An entrepreneur in India “who’s burning rice husks to light rural villages”
  • An Israeli “who’s using Israel’s abundant supply of magnesium to store solar energy”
  • And a Chilean “who’s turning prickly cacti into electricity for the world’s largest copper company”

You can skip the ads that precede the reports, or watch them, if you like. Either way, the reports are well worth watching. I learned a lot, and they raised my hopes for real progress toward clean, efficient energy around the world. And the ideas are explained  in simple enough language to keep me, a non-scientist, coming back for more.  I’m looking forward to following this series. Join me?