What winning feels like: Progressive Blog Digest

The usual pundits and chin-pullers are all upset now that the Democratic reform to the filibuster will upset the spirit of bipartisanship and comity between the
parties. You know, that spirit of bipartisanship and comity that the Republicans were so committed to? Nasty old Democrats!



More: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2013/11/22/morning-plum-no-nuclear-option-will-not-make-washington-partisanship-worse/

No, nuclear option will not make Washington partisanship ‘worse.’ Worse? How could it be worse?


The Senate Really Can’t Get Much More Dysfunctional at This Point

The new, aggressive Democratic Party


More: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/white-house-allies-weigh-nomination-strategy-under-new-senate-rules/2013/11/22/31664534-538e-11e3-9e2c-e1d01116fd98_story.html?wprss=rss_politics
The White House and its allies are formulating ways to take maximum advantage of this week’s change in the Senate’s filibuster rules to rapidly confirm more than 240 judicial and executive nominees awaiting approval. . . .